Dr. Amy Milsom joined App State in 2019. She previously held faculty positions at the University of Iowa, University of North Carolina-Greensboro, and Clemson University. She received her bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees from The Pennsylvania State University and has experience as a middle and high school counselor in Pennsylvania. Dr. Milsom possesses credentials as a licensed professional counselor supervisor and a K-12 school counselor. In 2017 she received the American Counseling Association Fellow award, recognizing her leadership and service in counseling.
Her research focuses on career and college readiness and postsecondary transitions, with an emphasis on students with disabilities. Secondary research interests include school counselor preparation and professionalism in counseling.
Dr. Milsom is a past editor of Professional School Counseling and has served on numerous editorial boards, including Counselor Education and Supervision and the Journal of Counseling & Development. On June 30, 2023 she wrapped up a 5-year term on the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) Board of Directors, for which she served as Chair from 2020-2023. Dr. Milsom also chaired the 2016 CACREP Standards Revision Committee and has conducted CACREP site visits since 2002.
Connct with Dr. Milsom on LinkedIn.
Selected Publications
- Curry, J., & Milsom, A. (2021). Career and college readiness counseling in P-12 schools (3rd ed). New York: Springer Publishing Company.
Click here for Dr. Milsom's CV.

Title: Chair, Professor, Counseling
Department: Department of Counseling, Family Therapy, and Higher Education
Email address: Email me
Phone: (828) 262-3133
Office address
304 CCollege of Education Building