Dr. Dominique S. Hammonds

Dr. Dominique Hammonds is an associate professor and director of the clinical mental health counseling program in the Department of Counseling, Family Therapy, and Higher Education at Appalachian State University.

She earned her Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision from The University of North Carolina at Charlotte and her Master's in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from The University of North Carolina at Greensboro. She is a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor, Clinical Supervisor, National Certified Counselor, and Board Certified-TeleMental Health Provider.

Dr. Hammonds is a Past President of the North Carolina Counseling Association (NCCA). She is the recipient of the NCCA Devoted Service Award, Creativity-Innovation in Counseling Award, and the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision’s Supervision Award.

She is a member of numerous professional organizations including Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, American Counseling Association, North Carolina Counseling Association, and Chi Sigma Iota, International Honor Society for Professional Counseling.

She is passionate about increasing mental health awareness among communities of color and increasing access to quality, culturally responsive mental health care in a global society. Her scholarship and professional service activities center around a variety of subjects including:

  1. culturally responsive teaching, counseling and clinical supervision,
  2. creative teaching and supervision methods, and
  3. technology in counseling. 

In addition to her work in education and research, she collaborates with community partners, engages in clinical work, and participates in community outreach.

Dr. Hammonds has authored numerous scholarly publications. She has been featured by WRAL News, NPR’s All Things Considered, The Shade Room, Counseling Today, and The Thoughtful Counselor Podcast - in addition to giving over 70 professional, statewide, regional, national, and international presentations.

Connect with Dr. Hammonds on LinkedIn.

Selected Publications

  • Hammonds, D. S., Cartwright, A. D., Avent Harris, J., & Crumb, L. (2023). Black women in White institutional spaces: Clinical implications for supporting professional identity development. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 45(3), 247–263. https://doi-org.proxy006.nclive.org/10.17744/mehc.45.3.05
  • Crumb, L., Cartwright, A.D., Hammonds, D.S., & Harris, J.A. (2023). Code switching 101: The impact on Black women counselor educators' personal and professional identity development. Counselor Education and Supervision (Special Issue on Professional Identity). https://doi.org/10.1002/ceas.12274
  • Hammonds, D.S. & Purgason, L.L. (2022). Advocating for holistic admissions review in counselor education: Implications of master’s level counselor education programs. Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision, 15(2), 29–28.
  • Purgason, L.L, Hammonds, D.S., Miller, G., Van Horne, J.W., Clark, C. (2022). Teaching through trauma: Relational-cultural theory in the online classroom. Journal of Technology in Counselor Education and Supervision
  • Cartwright, A. D., Carey, C. D., Chen, H., Hammonds, D., Reyes, A. G., & White, M. E. (2021). Multi-tiered intensive supervision: A culturally-informed method of clinical supervision. Teaching and Supervision in Counseling. https://doi.org/10.7290/tsc030208

Click here for Dr. Hammonds's CV.

Title: Associate Professor, Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Program Director of Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Department: Department of Counseling, Family Therapy, and Higher Education

Email address: Email me

Phone: (828) 262-6047

Office address
314 A
College of Education Building